Monday, October 17, 2011

Alin The Petite One

This time umi wanna tell about my 6th child, Nurul Fadhlin, born on 8th january 2003 while umi was teaching at SMK Tunku Sofiah, Alor Setar. I conceived again after 5 months miscarriage, an experience that made me quite
guilty, well not fully guilty but the incident left me restless as if i have just killed a person when actually i did not know that i was pregnant at that time. allow me to explain and you guess for yourself whether i was fully responsible or not for this . ...never mind, let it be a history, a sad history only known to a few souls.

Now, the moment of delivery that time, umi felt the minor pain but still went to school but did not do much there.  The uneasy feeling continued so umi called abah to fetch me at noon.  arrived home at waited still until the pain was more regular, at 15 minutes interval, so at 3 pm we went to Jitra Hospital. The doctor said it was still early to  deliver, the dilation was only 2cm. so ummi relaxed and spent the time talking to other patients in the ward. Tok, abah, aruah tok wan, aruah mak lang were there too.  At about 5-6 pm ummi had to lie down, the real pain forced me to stop walking. Adik was there, wiping the sweat, wondering what would happen to ummi. she was 6 at that time, looked so matured .... tok and aruah mak lang massaged me, together with all the 7pm, ummi asked abah to tell the nurse that the time has come but nobody came to wheel me in...then tok went to inform them again, then only they came and  maghrib azan umi entered the labour room. 

Within minutes alin wanted to make her appearance,  to the shock of the nurse n doctor. My baby's coming, umi called a few times.....this time umi speaking lak.....she came before they were ready n she came intact in her bag ( orang kata  rebus tak hempuk ni) apa maksud dia, cuma orang tua saja yg faham. from my understanding, she is special. Luckilly i was inside the labour room already, if not i would definitely create a scene in the ward...sure aku saman hospital tu for neglect of conduct.

Alin weighed only 2.15kg when delivered which prompted the doctor to accuse ummi of not giving the exact date of last menses which ummi denied repeatedly coz umi still remembered it clearly. maybe Alin was  tiny coz during the last month of pregnancy, umi lost the appetite, just did not want to eat, did not feel like eating. ummi learnt a bad lesson from this, regretting the unintentional neglect  that later resulted in alin being underweight.

Anyway, alin was healthy after 5 days of jaundice treatment, being monitored under the ultraviolet ray days n nites, meaning ummi also had to be in hospital, forgetting all the mengurut stuff so much so that my body ached  like anything. Alin's umbilical cord also detached after 23 days, a record as other siblings only had to wait for about a week.  On  top of that, Alin gave us a scare during the whole confinement until day 40 when ummi was about to start working. what did she do?  nangis  la apa lagi. she would start practising her solid shrieking voice from Maghrib until late midnite......she really tested our patience.  Abah would normally helped lulling her after he finished the tuition outside and let umi rested. however, after confinement she was like an angel.

Alin had mak cik Ton as her sitter until she reached 9 months when mak cik could not take care of her anymore as she had to attend to her sick mom...Allah is the Greatest, i got hold of Kak Su ( my long lost kak angkat) who was willing to take her. from that day, Alin was her charge and she was very lucky as Kak Su whom alin calls Mak is really a superb lady, many times better than ummi....she dotted on Alin. Every time i went to pick her up, Alin would always smelled lovely, her frizzy her nicely combed and tied....Imagine  i did not cut her hair until she turned 3, there was no need to do so because her curly hair was of the same length. Now it was gone.

Alin was the centre of our attention,Eman and Adik who cared for her the most. wait i will show the photo of them later.  When she turned 2, another tiny tot appeared through the window......what window? later i tell ok 

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