Thursday, June 23, 2011

Panicked, Frightening and Rewarding Experience

10th Ramadhan 1410 ( 1989), early Tuesday morning, i had a very painful tummy cramps, irregular yet persistent that left me sweating.  wee hour in the morning, tok wan went to invite the midwife( aruah lang Mai) a very nice, gentle yet experience old lady to come and checked my condition.  Patiently we waited for me, she even slept at  my house. Morning came but i was getting nowhere. the excruciating pain was unbearable so the clinic nurse ( SN Tijah) ayooyoo she was very sharp, i mean her voice.......her words...
She kept on advising ( insisting to be  more precise) that i went to AS Hospital. I had no choice. Packed my bag  and got into the waiting ambulance. first time weh......

Checking time again, the dilation was only 2 cm...the pain.....just indescribable. I was admitted and joined all the expecting moms in ward 2.....the experience was very daunting. the moaning, the grumbling, the march passing.... i was on bed, crying alone, praying the pain would be over but alas........Wednesday morning, the doctor, in his round, asked me whether i could go home as my due date was in 2 weeks time....i was taken by surprise.: impossible as i was in pain. then i understood that i had to leave coz the ward was full..some even had to sleep on the made shift bed( ala askar gitu).

Tok wan took us home in a taxi. upon reaching the house, i had another shocking moment....the waterbag broke......i was taken upstairs and again Tijah was called. From that moment, i was not myself anymore...imagine from 2pm to 6.45 i was tossing and turning, drinking whatever tok gave( which was actually not good as it was not advisable)....they gave me watermellon, coconut oil, the minyak selusuh...all taken without feeling. Tijah, again forced me to go to Hospital, but i refused...i could not move anymore.

Alhamdulillah, a few minutes before Maghrib, Along made his appearance to this world.....he was so cute, weighed 3.12 kg, he was welcomed by tok wan, tok and (aruah) tok ( abah's mom), mak lang.....Everyone was relieved and had a good laugh when i blurted :  kalau camni, 5 lagi pun takpa)....WHAT? after a long painful tormenting experience, i still wanted many children. at the first sight....the innocent looking boy triggered that idea, i guess.( at the same time, abah called from Kelantan, saying that he had a dream...wah senang banyak...kita dok sakit, dia cuma mimpi).....the next day abah returned to meet his first brood.....syukur alhamdulillah.

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