Monday, July 4, 2011

Atih and Highland Towers

20th Dec 1993, 22 days after the Highland Towers collapsed, i gave birth to atih, through forced delivery..the most painful of all. Imagine she was 12 days overdue and i did not show any signs of delivering. the Pengkalan Chepa Clinic doctor referred me to Kota Bharu Hospital.

The night of the set date, i could not sleep...tried to imagine what would happened the next day. suddenly the nurse asked me to enter labour room at 3am....biar i went and waited and waited...nothing done...finally the doctor said...never mind, we do it tomorrow....amboi senang hati depa buat camtu.

At 9 in the morning, the doctor induced me ( no drip but pills) and after one hour, the pain started and persisted until 4 pm. i was all alone and God knows how i suffered ...this kind of pain was very different, the interval was very short..but the nurse said still ok....hang bukan rasa misi oi....

Finally, at about 4, one nurse came and checked and was so surprised to see that the dilation was about 8cm....she rushed me into the LR and finally at 4.45pm, atih made her appearance....this was the most challenging.luckilly the nurse on duty was very kind. young but skillful. she offered me milo immediately after that, knowing well that i was very the same time, i heard the doctors and nurses talking about makan bubur kacang and whatnot....for them delivering is just a business..very relaxed and selamber aje.

That nite, tok accompanied me as i was in Ward 1...the next morning discharged, only one day before the hospital was flooded....mujur i dan balik.....tu la kisah atih.....

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