Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bob Bosnia

I forgot to mention that when Bob was born, at that year, Bosnian War was the talk of the world. So happened he was so fair that the neighbours ( Linda Restaurant) the whole family in fact dotted on him and called him Bob. every time i wanted to go shopping, i would leave Bob with them ( mama, baba, cik ngah, linda, aisyah, lini, man, syam) and they would put him on the table and entertained him with lots and lots of sweet. he was the centre of attention.

Aruah tok wan was actually the first to call him Borhan and the shortened version of Bob later took effect. every time Bob had a fever, we were so worried as his chest would move up and down, as if he was having an asthma. sometimes, i rushed him to clinic at nite and taking care of him was very difficult.

When Atih was born and i was in confinement, Along, Akak and Bob were down with chicken pox ( measles). the other two were ok but Bob had a slight problem. he just could not stand and we found it strange considering along and akak were ok. it seemed that the effect of chicken pox was very serious; it affected the knee. syukur mama took bob back to pasir mas and gave him a traditional treatment.

Tending to Bob made me forget about myself and suddenly.. i was pregnant again....again....i was down but the moment UPT came out positive, i was very positive and was ready to accept another gift from God. What happened during Atih's delivery? tragic...wait eh.

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