Thursday, June 30, 2011

Akak and Uting

Akak showed her trait of being independent and she took her first small steps when she was 9 months..the fastest of all. She had a series of scabies for about 3 months which was also suffered by the whole family. so  many types of medication tried and taken but to no avail. pity her...the whole body and head were scattered with the itchiness of the skin disease.
Akak relied mostly on her pacifier when she needed attention coz when she turned 3 months...aduhai i started to get pregnant again. did not know how, did not realize when.....suddenly it was time again.  not realizing that i was carrying, i went to see the doctor and she gave me a shot to cure scabies. if i knew, i would not take that. i guess it was one of the reasons why Bob has a very sensitive skin ( and sensitive feeling too)

Imagine carrying the 3rd child and at the same time searching for the cure of this irritating scabies. somehow, after numerous trials, the disease just disappeared but not before leaving ugly scars to us. it was really a bad experience. 

Akak still hang on to her pacifier every time she cried, she would search high and low for her safety security of pacifier until one day, abah could not take it any longer coz she just put it into her mouth  even though it was found on the floor. so to solve that problem, abah acted quite cruel by cutting the pac into two, right in front of her...she must be so scared that from that day onward, she never mentioned the pac anymore....if only she could think that we could always get her a new one.......akak...akak....

Along and akak were inseparable and the mischievous two sometimes ended up  in the toilet for being so naughty....funny though, they would be very quiet when left in the toilet and once released, the chaos continued.....abah and umi had a challenging time looking after the two but at least along had someone he could bully, even though akak was never an easy victim.

the day akak turned one, on 24th feb 1992, umi threw a small party for her and the guests were mostly neighbours' children. that day i felt quite restless already, thinking that i would deliver anytime. true enough, the next morning, at about 10am, the feeling was assured when i saw some signs of delivery...ayooo...abah rushed me to Kota bharu Hospital, aruah tok besah and mak ngah tagging along. By 2pm i was admitted to the ward......what happened there?  Till then.....ta ta..... 

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